Political Negotiations in The Issue of Dual Citizenship in Indonesia
Citizenship is an important aspect in a country, in fact it is a fundamental element for the country, because citizens will become political leaders. The global situation in the contemporary era shows a phenomenon that a citizen has two citizenships at once (dual citizenship). This condition has become a political dynamic in Indonesia, because the principle of Indonesian citizenship does not recognize the terms dual citizenship and statelessness. However, pressure from diaspora circles to demand dual citizenship for various reasons, such as economics and human rights, makes it necessary for the government to conduct political negotiations with diaspora groups. This research focuses on studying political negotiations using a qualitative approach with literature methods which aims to identify negotiation models that are suitable for solving dual citizenship problems. The results of this research focus on discussing political negotiation models that are in accordance with democratic principles, especially since citizen issues are an important part of a fundamental element for a country's sovereignty. This research can become a basis for future researchers in developing research using other methods, such as case studies or phenomenology in studying dual citizenship.
Keywords: Negotiation, Political, Citizen, Dual Citizenship.