Author Guidelines

Abstract Submission

  1. To submit an abstract, you must register first to the conference. If you have not created an account, please create an account and REGISTER (link) through system.
  2. The abstract must be written in English and contains the following sections: introduction, aim of the study, method, results, conclusion, and keywords.
  3. The abstract must have no longer than 250 words.
  4. The keywords are 3 to 5 phrase, written in alphabetical order.
  5. Abstract must be submitted through the system (author's account) no later than June 20, 2024
  6. Format .docx
  7. Paper size A4

Full-paper Submission

  1. Full-paper must be written in English and according to the paper template (link).
  2. Full-paper must contains the following structure: Introduction Method, Findings and Discussion, Conclusion, and References. 
  3. Full-paper/s should be submitted only after the abstracts are accepted.
  4. Full-paper must be submitted through the system (author's account) no later than July 22, 2024.
  5. Full-paper/s must be revised according to reviewer's comments. 
  6. Full-paper revision must be submitted through the system (author's account) no later than August 7, 2024.
  7. Please note that the revision version of your full-paper will be the final version of the paper (including author name/s, etc.) to be submitted to the publisher, unless there are changes made by editor/s to improve the quality of the paper.
  8. All pages are to be in portrait.
  1. Papers must use inclusive language.
  2. All figures and tables should be numbered in numerical order. Please ensure that figure/table numbers are not duplicated or missed.
  3. Figures are legible and placed within the text, not collected at the end of the document.
  4. If section headings are numbered, ensure that they are numbered numerically, and no numbers are duplicated or missing.

PowerPoint Submission and Instructions

  1. Please notice that submitting/uploading the PowerPoint (PPT) presentation file is mandatory for all presenters. Presenters who do not upload their PowerPoint will not get the e-certificate.
  2. To submit your PowerPoint presentation file, please login first to your account. Go to 'Abstract Submission' menu, and click on your paper title. You will find 'Presentation File' menu on the bottom of the page, and click 'Upload PPT' to upload your presentation file. Please upload the PDF version (.PDF) of your PowerPoint presentation file (NOT .ppt or .pptx) with size not bigger than 5 MB.
  3. The PowerPoint should be between 8-10 slides, written in English using APA 7th edition citation styled, and please use the provided template (please download the template here (link)).
  4. Please follow the following PowerPoint structure:
  1.       First slide: Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s).
  2.       Slide 2-3: Introduction
  3.       Slide 4: Method
  4.       Slide 5-8: Findings and Discussion
  5.       Slide 9: Conclusion
  6.       Slide 10: References
  1. Do not overcrowd the slides with too many text. Keep text to a minimum (6-8 lines per slide). The bullet points should be headlines, not paragraphs. 
  2. Write in sentence fragments using keywords, and keep your font size 24 or bigger.
  3. Make sure your PowerPoint is easy on the eyes. Stay away from weird colors and busy backgrounds. 
  4. Use easy-to-read fonts such as Arial and Times New Roman.
  5. Proofread to avoid misspelling of names or words.
  6. The PowerPoint for the presentation must be submitted as a PDF file via the presenter’s account no later than July 15, 2024.

Important Notes for Presenters

  1. The parallel session of the ICoDSS conference will be held with breakout rooms in which the presenters will present their papers.
  2. If you want to send a video recording of your presentation due to certain conditions, please upload the video to a YouTube channel, and submit the link via the presenter’s account no later than July 15, 2024. The video must have a high definition resolution (720p or 1080p) and clear voice.
  3. The allocated time for each presentation is (tentatively) no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Each room will conduct two presentation sessions. In each session, there will be five parallel presentation followed by the 10-minutes questions and answers session guided by the moderator.
  5. The room keeper in each breakout room will manage the session and control the PowerPoint slides for presenters.
  6. The presenters with unstable connections are strongly advised to prepare a 10 minutes length presentation video which will be presented from their own device during the parallel class session.
  7. The presenters are required to fully attend the sessions even after the presentation has been conducted.
  8. All presenters and participants must turn their camera on and their microphone off (muted) during the parallel class.
  9. The presenters and the participants are required to inform the respective room keeper for any presentation-related changes made.
  10. E-certificate for presenters will be awarded to those who participate in the conference sessions fully and upload their pres